NFL Fantasy Live

It was so fun to be able to lead a project that has to do with a subject that so many take so seriously and liven it up with young, fresh, snappy and colorful graphics. The latest rebrand of official NFL Fantasy, spearheaded internally at NFL Network, embraces the accessible and light-hearted side of fantasy competition and gameifies the whole experience.

The Capacity team had the pleasure of teaming up with our longtime friends over there to help bring it to life. The mixture of the NFL Network’s slick fantasy shield logo with Capacity’s addition of bold colors and minimal use of 3D - made this entire broadcast package exude the playful side of the NFL brand that fits the new tone of inclusiveness in fantasy football.

It’s always a team effort.

  • Ellerey Gave

  • Melissa Oakley

  • Melissa Oakley, Mitsuka Thiem, Ellerey Gave

  • Melissa Oakley, Mitsuka Thiem, Ellerey Gave

Client: NFL Network


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